Emergency School Closings
In case of severe weather, snow, etc., the official announcement for delayed opening or school closings may be heard over Channel 12 News (television), SchoolMessenger (our districtwide phone notification system) and posted on the District website. Please make every effort to check these communications rather than call the school. Every effort will be made to post the official announcement by 6:00 a.m.
Poor weather and other conditions occasionally necessitate the closing of school. Closing after the start of school and cancellation of school activities because of emergency conditions will also be announced on Channel 12 News, SchoolMessenger, and posted on the website. Please refrain from calling the school since such calls hinder communications during emergency periods. You are encouraged to provide supervision for your child in the event school is closed prior to regular dismissal time.
In conjuction with other school districts in our area, we have devised a plan to allow for a delayed opening of school during certain inclement weather situations. On such days, announcements will be made as listed above. The announcement indicating the time of the delayed opening will affect all of the transportation scheduled with the JDB电子-JDB电子 Manor Central School District including tuition schools and private/parochial schools. By doing so, we hope to continue to provide the safest possible transportation for all students in our district.